About Us

Our Headquarters
We are located in the Hannant House on the corner of Pleasant Street and North Main Street in Raynham. Isabelle Hannant bequeathed the house to the Raynham Historical Society, Inc. in 1996.
If you are interested in visiting the Hannant House, please call for an appointment.

Our Meetings
The Raynham Historical Society meets five times a year: February; April; June, which is the annual meeting when a potluck supper precedes the meeting; October; and December.
The meetings are held at 7pm on the second Monday of the month. The only exception is October when the meeting is held on the third Monday due to the Columbus Day Holiday.
The meetings are free and the public is cordially invited to attend. The meetings are held at both the Hannant House and the Raynham Senior Center. All meeting information is published in the local papers prior to the meeting.

Our Officers
- Jane Burgoyne, President
- Cheryl Rego, Vice President
- Kathy Gannaway, Treasurer
- Karen Jackson, Recording Secretary
- Patricia Iadonisi, Corresponding Secretary
- Nikki Quigley, Membership Chairman
- David Donahue, Program Chairman

The History of Raynham
In 1988, long-time Raynham English teacher M. Patrice White published a history of the town that has been used as part of the third grade social studies curriculum in Raynham ever since.
The Raynham Historical Society needs volunteers. Donating your time and energy can help the Society to advance its mission. Would you like to help us?
Please contact us with any questions.
We could not accomplish this mission without the deep commitment of our donors. We hope that you will consider investing in the Society's future and help us to interpret and preserve Raynham's rich history. Donations are fully tax-deductible.
Become a Member
Would you like to become a member of the Society? You can join quickly and easily!
Email: raynhamhistoricalsociety@gmail.com
Headquarters/Mailing Address: 6 Pleasant Street, Raynham, Massachusetts 02767